Are you a certified medical assistant and want to advance your nursing career? As you may know, it can become overwhelming looking for all the information that you need. The good news is that you don’t have to get started on your own. There are several nursing associations that can provide you with networking opportunities, resources, education credits and career advice.
Here is a list of nursing associations that will get you started on the right foot.
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
This is a specialty nursing organization that is dedicated to the practice of medical-surgical nursing. AMSN Website states that their objectives are to improve the image of the medical-surgical nursing, develop standards for medical-surgical nursing practice, and to create a Core Curriculum for establishing the essence of the medical-surgical nursing practice.
The Academy of Neonatal Nursing offers a great site that allows its members to create a profile and network with other Healthcare Professionals on projects and share ideas. This is a great place to get first hand information from other professionals in your field.
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
The American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ website states that they are the largest and only full-service national professional membership organization of nurse practitioners of all specialties. This site allows you to find Nurse Practitioners as well as it helps you find information on becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
The American Academy of Nursing is dedicated to representing Nurses and promotes the rights of nurses in the workplace. They work to towards raising awareness and aid for health care issues that affect Nurses. Their goal is to represent the nation’s 3.1 million nurses through its nursing associations and affiliates.
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
The American Association of Heart Failure Nurses states that their goal is to be the foremost nursing association across the heart failure continuum. the AAHFN is a organization that specializes in setting standards for heart failure nursing care. AAHFN dedicates its time to advancing nursing education, clinical practice and research to improve heart failure patient outcomes. their website serves nurses and allows them to share ideas, and aid in research findings.
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
AANA is a professional organization for Nurse Anesthetists. The AANA states that it promulgates education and practice standards and guidelines and affords consultation to both private and governmental entities regarding nurse anesthetists.
American College of Nurse Midwives
The American College of Nurse Midwives represents certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives. The ACNM sets the high standards for midwifery education and practice. ACNM reviews research and administers continuing education programs as well as works with organizations to advance the well-being of women and infants through midwifery.
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing
AWHONN is a nonprofit organization that promotes the health of women and newborns. Their mission is to improve and promote the health of women and newborns. They work on strengthening the nursing profession by creating superior advocacy, research, and education, and resources.
ENA states that it is the world’s largest emergency nursing organization devoted entirely to the advancement of emergency nursing practice. The ENA site lists links to job opportunities, conference and course information, services, and products.
Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association
GAPNA states that their goals are to advocate quality care for older adults, promote professional development, provide continuing gerontological education, enhance communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, and educate consumers on issues of aging. Their members are GNP’s who have a master’s degree from a nurse practitioner program specializing in the care of older adults.
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses
IOMSN states that their mission is to establish the specialized branch of nursing in multiple sclerosis. They strive to establish standards of nursing care for those with MS and support the research and education in MS nursing. They work to educate the healthcare community on multiple sclerosis. Their overall goal is to improve the lives of those affected my MS and help patients with MS receive optimal care.
International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
ISNCC is a non-governmental member of the World Health Organization, the United Nations UN DPI NGO , the International Council of Nurses, and the Union for International Cancer Control. ISNCC states that their mission is to aid nurses in their role of reducing cancer. ISNCC goals is to aid in cancer control by advancing and applying knowledge, developing and engaging cancer nurse leaders, and by influencing health policy and cancer control awareness internationally.
Michigan League for Nursing (MLN)
MLN is a states that it is a nonprofit coalition of individuals and agencies that works to assure quality health care through the continuous improvement of nursing education and practice. MLN strives to promote professional growth and continuous quality improvement of educators for the nursing workforce, to enhance collaboration between nursing education and healthcare delivery systems, to support recruitment for the nursing workforce
Midwest Nursing Research Society
MNRS is a network of discovery that advances science, transforms practices and enhances careers. Its vision is to advance science and improve health. MNRS strives to secure funding for research, strengthen, enhance and facilitate networking, and to enhance member careers through education and support services.
National Academy of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners
The NADNP is an organized group of advanced practice nurses that meet together to address unmet needs in education, research, and networking. NADNP states that it is dedicated to setting the standards in dermatology practice, education and research development.
National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care
NADONA/LTC was founded by dedicated long term care professionals. They serve Dons, ADONs, and RNs that work in Long Term Care. Their goal is to provide Nurses with the tools they need to success in the Nursing Field.
National Association of Disease Management & Wellness Professionals
NADMWP states that its mission is to support, advance, and promote the Disease Management & Wellness industry by serving as a primary professional development resource through industry awareness, community development and growth. Their goal is to maintain a professional online resource for groups of professionals that provide disease management and wellness services.
National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health
NPWH states that their mission is to assure the provision of quality healthcare to women of all ages by nurse practitioners. NPWH is a trusted source of information on nurse practitioner education, practice, and women’s health issues.
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
NAPNAP states that it is advocating for children’s health by providing funding, education, research opportunities, and producing educational materials to parents and families. NAPNAP’s mission is to empower Pediatric Nurses to enhance children’s health through advocacy, education, and research.
National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses
PNCB states that it provides the highest quality certification services for nursing professionals who care for pediatric populations. PNCB is the largest independent pediatric nursing certification organization serving nurses in certification and recertification.
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
The NONPF is specifically devoted to Nurse Practitioner education.Today, the organization represents a global network of NP educators. NONPF states that it provides resources and enhances the promotion and tenure of NP faculty.
Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation
NPHF states that their mission is to improve health status and quality of care through providing Nurse Practitioners education, research, health policy, and service. Thier goal is to promote access to high quality healthcare, enhance nurse practitioner leadership in healthcare, and promote research.
ONS states that its mission is to promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care. They are dedicated to excellence in patient care, education, research, and administration in oncology nursing. They pride themselves on integrity, innovation, advocacy, and excellence.
Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates (SUNA)
SUNA states that it is committed to enriching the professional lives of our members and improving the health of our patients and their families, through education, research and evidence-based clinical practice. SUNA also publishes a professional, peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal (Urologic Nursing Journal) and a newsletter (Uro-Gram).
The Society of Pediatric Nurses champions the specialty of pediatric nursing by supporting its members in their practice. SPN states that their vision is to be the premier resource for nurses caring for children and their families.